Youth Mission Trip



We will be going to Ashville, NC, to aide those most impacted by the Helene Hurricane damage. These communities had no expectation of the damage that came, no flood insurance, few routes for aide to come in through, and as such are still heavily affected by this once in a 200 year devastation.

We’ll leave Huntsville on Sunday, June 1st, and drive to Ashville, North Carolina. Lodging and food will be provided by TEAMeffort and Good Shepherd from departure till return. Youth and College age attendants will be asked to pay for their attendance (not finalized, but expect $350-400) though scholarships are available for those who need partial or full assistance. Chaperones are covered in full, but will be expected to go through Safe Sanctuary training before we leave. All sign-ups are required by no later than March 31st. Signups require a $150 deposit for each Youth to attend. Safety, Medical, and other documentation will be distributed the end of the March and should be returned by mid-April.

Ages that can go:

Rising 7th through completed 12th are guaranteed a spot upon registering.

We have space for a limited number of current college students.

Want a detailed list of everything that will happen the week of the Mission Trip? Things to bring, where we’re going, theme days, etc.? The button below will download a brochure that has all that and then some!

Chaperones Needed:

Chaperones are needed,
but should it be needed,
numbers will be limited in favor of
spots for Youth.