To love Christ
and make Him known

Driven by the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20), our goal with our Youth program is to create an environment where doubts can be explored, hearts opened, and passions ignited.

The Bible is the most perfect love letter ever given, and it was given to humanity by God. By the time our Youth head to college or the workforce, our aim is for them to know the depths of God’s love for them and that doubts can be faced with confidence that Jesus is greater.


Wednesday Nights

God made us to be in fellowship with each other, modeling that we meet each week on Wednesday nights. Starting at 6pm and going to 8pm, we eat, play, sing, and learn together.

Join us in the Youth Room: Enter from Capshaw, go to the Sanctuary entrance, and head up the stairs!

Every Week

We tackle a different topic over the course of each month. We strive for an equal balance of theology and doctrine, with focus put on the Youth exploring the topics from their unique perspectives.

Monthly Series

Every Wednesday we provide diner to the Youth before we kick off the games and lesson. Once a month we have homecooked food too!

Food Every Week

Sunday Bible Study

With few exceptions, we meet every Sunday from 4 to 5:30pm outside the Sanctuary and take a book of the Bible a chapter at a time.

Contact Me

Hey! I’m Terry Johnson (TJ for short). I’m the Youth Director at Good Shepherd.

My biggest hope for our Youth is that they would find their faith and claim it, setting themselves up for life with the tools to seek God and love Christ. Doubts aren’t scary, they’re just blind-spots needing explored.

Want to talk about Jesus and how we can know Him better? Shoot me a text! (731)225-0336. Or email me at