Good Shepherd Week of Service

On August 11-14 Good Shepherd UMC will be participating in a variety of local missions.

  • August 11- First Stop
  • August 12- Manna House
  • August 13- 305 8th Street
  • August 14- UMC Disaster Warehouse

Please Register which dates you hope to attend
For further details see below

First Stop

First Stop operates as its name implies, it is the first stop for the people within our community who are facing homelessness.   It provides case management, counseling, day space, meals, and work to over a 150 members of our community.  On August 11th Good Shepherd UMC will be providing a pasta supper and fellowship at their facility.  We will be meeting at Good Shepherd at 4pm to prepare food and will leave at 6pm to deliver. For this event we need supplies and desserts donated and volunteers willing to cook.
 For more information see their website at

Manna House

Manna House is the largest food distribution ministry in Huntsville.  on Wednesday August 12 GS will be meeting at the Manna House at 3:30 pm to help pack and distribute meals.  

305 8th Street UMC

305 8th street is an adult disability care facility On Thursday August 13th Good Shepherd UMC will be providing a pasta supper and fellowship at their residence.  We will be meeting at Good Shepherd at 4pm to prepare food and will leave at 6pm to deliver. For this event we need supplies and desserts donated and volunteers willing to cook. Please note that several of the residents are diabetic and all deserts should be sugar free.
 For more information see their website at

Disaster Warehouse

The UMC Disaster Warehouse stores emergency supplies for rapid deployment for all of the Southeastern United States.  This facility is prepared to respond to natural and man made disasters when ever they should arrive.  On Friday August 14th  We will be meeting at Good Shepherd at 5:30pm to bus and car pool to the warehouse to help box and organize supplies.