Adults Coming Together

We strive to offer our congregants the opportunity to connect more to each other through missions, classes and community events through our ACT opportunities.  Check out what opportunities will be available this fall!

Bible Study Groups

Believer's Roundtable

Meets every Sunday morning at 8:00 am in room 124.  Contact

Good Shepherd Girlfriends

Crocheting and Knitting Group

These ladies are making hats and scarves for First Stop and New Futures.  

Contact Ellen at

Treasures by Hand

Meets 1st and 3rd Mondays from 9- 12 pm in room 124 for anyone who enjoys sewing or quilting.  

Contact Kathy Cook –

Other Groups

Speeders Group

For those 55 years old and up.  They meet the last Thursday of each month at various locations.  Contact Beverly at